I recently went on a cruise with my boyfriend Keith and his parents. On the car ride from Mobile to Daytona and back his mom, Cei Cei, taught me how to kint. It was a little tricky to catch on to at first but she was a good teacher. I am actually left-handed and she is right-handed so that made it all the more difficult. It was hard for her to explain it backwards and hard for me to learn it backwards. Once we figured it out, she gave me some yarn that was easy to work with and I practiced. Row after row I got better. I picked up on keeping it tight and making sure you have the right number of loops on your needle at the end of each row. For my first project I wanted to make a scarf but I ended up running out of yarn so I turned it into a purse. I was proud of my purse but I was still determined to make a scarf. On my mom's side of the family we draw names for Christmas and I got my cousin Meg, So, I decided I would make her a scarf and a matching one for her American Girl doll! She loved it and hopefully it will keep her and her doll warm for the few cold winter days we have in Alabama!